Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Stranger 5

During Meursault's trial, every participant attempts to put meaning into Meursault's actions. Instead of looking solely at Mersault's murder and the objective evidence, the persecution chooses to focus on Mersault's inner psyche and emotions. The attempted to put attribute meaning to Meursault's meaningless actions. Meursault comments on their feudal efforts saying, "But all the long speeches, all the interminable days and hours that people had spent talking about my soul, had left me with the impression of a colorless swirling river that was making me dizzy" (104). The death of Maman and Meursault's lack of sympathy have no effect on Meursault's decision to murder (as Meusault says, his narration may be biased and misleading). Meursault goes through live weighing each decision he makes on pros and cons. No decision affects another.

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