Monday, January 28, 2013

Othello 3

The relationship between Michael Cassio and Iago is very similar to the complex relationships Iago has with various other characters. While Iago appears to protect Cassio from Othello's rage, after Cassio's drunken brawl, Iago really intends to hurt Cassio's reputation and wreck Othello's marriage. Iago decieves Cassio in saying, "I had rather have this tounge cut from my mouth Than it should do offense to Michael Cassio" (97). Iago's friendliness to Cassio decievingly demostrates to everyone, except the audience, that Iago indends to help Cassio. Yet in reality Iago has much more sinister plans. Through Iago's soliloquies dramatic irony is created between Iago and the audience. The true evil of Iago is only known by the audience as he continues to decieve all other characters.

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